H.S. Equivalency Preparation / Distance Learning (HiSET DL)
The High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) is a non-credit class for individuals who did not complete the requirements for a high school diploma. The HiSET includes five sub-tests (Math, Science, Reading, Writing, and Social Studies) and when passed, the student earns a High School Equivalency Certificate that is issued by the state of California.
Preparation for the HiSET is available free of charge. Students will have an opportunity to study at home using APEX computer software and resource material(s) supplied by the teacher. It is recommended that students have internet access and a computer to prepare for the HiSET at home. However, classrooms are equipped with computers and software for students to use as needed. Students are required to attend class once a week and meet face-to-face with the instructor to assess HiSET readiness.
Prerequisite: TABE Reading Assessment score of 9.1 or higher prior to registration.
Slawson Occupational Center
5500 Rickenbacker Road
Bell, CA 90201
(323) 729-6400
Monday - Thursday 10:15 am - 12:15 pm DL
Tuesday - Friday 8:00 am - 12:15 pm DL
Saturday 8:00 am - 12:15 pm DL
Tweedy Learning Center
5115 Southern Avenue
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 568-8500
Tuesday - Friday 8:00 am - 10:00 am DL
Monday - Thursday 10:15 am - 12:15 pm DL
Monday - Thursday 6:15 pm - 8:15 pm DL
Huntington Park CAS
2945 Belgrave Avenue
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 826-2400
Tuesday & Thursday 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm DL
Monday - Thursday 6:15 pm - 8:15 pm