Auto Tech » Technology/1: Automotive Systems

Technology/1: Automotive Systems


This competency-based course is the first in a sequence of two designed to introduce automotive systems. It provides students with project-based experiences in automotive technologies including alternative and green vehicle technology. Instruction includes an orientation, classroom and workplace policies and procedures, resource management, measurements, tools and equipment, and employability skills. Emphasis is placed on domestic car engine designs, engine cooling systems, engine lubrication systems, automotive electricity, charging systems, and starting systems. 90 hrs

NOTE: For costs associated to class, please call the school.

Slawson Occupational Center
5500 Rickenbacker Road
Bell, CA 90201
(323) 729-6400
Monday & Friday 8:00 am - 11:15 am
Tuesday - Thursday 8:00 am - 2:45 pm